Heteronormative people who support the LBGTQ+ community.
Spectrum of the asexual demographic that experiences no sexual attraction or emotion.
Ace for short; a sexual orientation within the LBGTQ+ spectrum that can experience romance and be romantic but does not experience sexual attraction to another person. Asexuality can be confused with erectile dysfunction and other sexual-related disorders like Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder.
A combination of asexuality as well as bisexuality resulting in a person of low sexual attraction that is also interested in women and men.
A specturm of sexuality that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and asexual. In expansion of the growing acronym, it also currently includes non-binary, gender queer, two-souls, pansexual, omnisexual, demisexual, gender-expansive, and ally within the community. LGBTQ+ is an expansion outside of the heteronormative sexual demographic.
Sexual Consciousness
See sexual expression.
Sexual Expression
A. The expression of sexuality within environments and experiences established through clothing, mannerisms, or art forms such as dance, music, or movement.
B. Sexual activity and sexual “hard no’s” as it corresponds with a person’s sexuality.
Restrictions based on the perception of a specific demographic, or topic.
A form of mass communication that helps to establish stereotypes and morals of a community, i.e., magazines, television, streaming services, and social media.
Sexual orientation or preference discovered over time through experiences or internal feelings. Ex: Orientations within LGBTQ+ or Heterosexuality. It is also possible to be more than one orientation but only claim one sexuality or both.
Millenial Black Women
English speaking women of African descent born between 1981 and 1996.
Sexual Liberation
The understanding of sexuality from your own morals and feelings as opposed to trends and peer pressure. Sexual liberation is not….
Black Women
English speaking black women of African descent.
Born female without surgical gender changes.
An expansion on a biromantic asexual that doesn’t include the labeling of male or female but expands to transgender or gender non-conforming relations.
Social Media
Data algorithms of online platforms that allow users to generate, find, and share content or participate in online commentary that can influence others, i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube.
A heterosexual person that also demonstrates asexual tendencies and also identifies as asexual.
Sensory stimulation in relation to one or more people or another. Through analytical psychology, outcomes are created that establishes build obstacles and stereotypes.
Streaming Services
Online paid or free content that distributes movies, television shows, and web series.
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